Sept 2013 – the rotated triangle

Introducing the Dru Rotated Triangle from Dru Team on Vimeo.


Parivritta Trikonasana (The Rotated Triangle)

Physically this posture aids digestion and with the twisting movement around the abdomen helps to prevent constipation too. Anyone suffering from scoliosis of the spine can also find this posture and the Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) if you perform a combination of both regularly. This is refreshing and invigorating posture and can help you let go of frustrations and irritations, helping you find creative solutions to life’s challenges. On an energetic level, the energy of the lower centres is raised to the heart, throat and forehead centres with creative expression being a natural outcome.

Due to the strong stimulation of the lower three chakras this posture is not advisable to do during menstruation, pregnancy and for the first three months after the birth. Anyone with spinal disc problems or hernia should also avoid doing this posture and those suffering from high or low blood pressure should not hold the inverted position for too long. Anyone with back, knee or hip problems must exercise caution in performing and holding this posture as this posture combines a forward bend and spinal twist.

Body preparations:
It is really important when doing this posture that you stretch the hamstrings gently and also the pectoralis muscle across the chest.

How to do this posture:
1. Stand in Tadasana. Separate the legs by two to three feet and turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, allowing the left heel to lift and move to the left. As this posture makes the body twist as the hips rotate you need to make sure your feet are a good distance apart and you may need the left foot turned more than for the extended triangle. Make sure the left leg is strong and grounded.

2. From the correct standing position breathe in, raising arms sideways to shoulder height.
Breathe out, twist from hips to face the right, lowering the left arm and taking it past the hips and up to shoulder level whilst at the same time drawing the right hand back towards the right hip.

3. Breathe and extend the left hand forwards – try not to lean forwards but just stretch the arm and hand. Breathe out and bend forward, bringing the left hand to the floor by the outer edge of the right foot. If this is too strong you place your left hand next to the inner edge of the right foot or on a block if necessary. Once your balance is ok concentrate on twisting your torso towards the right side, visualising bringing the shoulder blades together at the back and opening the chest at the front.

4. The right arm now unfolds like a wing – shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers, turning the head and looking upwards towards your right hand. If you wish, if your balance is not too good, you can place your hand on your right hip instead of or before raising it in the air.

5. To come out of the posture, lower the right arm to the floor by your right foot. Visualise picking up a beautiful jewel of light from the earth in both hands, raising the extended arms as you unroll the spine into an upright position. Make sure to bend your knees here if your back is weak. Draw the left arm across the front of the chest, visualising a beam of light spreading across the heart centre. Breathe out and lower the arms to the sides of the body.

Repeat to left side.

Top Tip: 
This is an excellent counter posture to Utthita Trikonasana by counteracting the powerful side bed with a forward bending twist. Two amazing postures to do together, especially first thing in a morning when you’re getting yourself ready for the challenges of the day ahead. Due to the lower chakras being raised make sure you perform some arm raising warm ups first.